Hey songwriters...

Do you feel stuck playing your chords like this:

Wishing you could add more rhythm, life, color and movement:

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany songwriting piano students told me they struggle to accompany piano chords in a way making them feel:

Proud of themselves when performing

Excited about their songs while writing

They feel they'd have to spend years practicing classical piano, complicated music theory and get amazing technique before they could feel free with the piano.

And I get it, because it's what classical piano teachers have been preaching for centuries...

The message:

Playing piano is hard!!

..is deeply ingrained in our society.

This feeling gets even stronger when going on youtube, where there sure are lots of good tips, but there are SO many good tips, in all directions ...

... teachers telling you to do this and that, this and that..

It’s hard to know where to start and what’s important to do right now.

A myriad of ideas – but no clear and structured learning path to follow, none that feels relevant to us.

It’s easy to get the feeling we need to learn EVERYTHING before we can start enjoying to play.

Still it feels like making our accompaniments flow should be easy, cause it looks easy when others "just play"!

But when we try to play a chord rhythm we hear in our head, our hands just don’t want to cooperate...

It feels stale and clumsy, eventually we give up and lose our motivation to use the piano.

Some of us resort to writing midi. Some of us pick up the guitar to write instead, cause there it feels much easier to get a rhythm flowing naturally – we can sort of just "wave our arm up down" and it sounds good..

At least that’s the way I personally felt for many years!

As soon as I sat down by the piano to write I felt more like a robot (a somewhat malfunctioning one).

The music didn’t flow, the rhythms always felt off, I was ashamed and felt like I should be able to do this!

“Am I not musical enough?!”

Rang in my head.

If a stranger would've come up to me and said:

heyyyyy piano petter...

...I’ve got this online course that will teach you precisely what you’re struggling with...

A structured learning path through the art of piano chord accompaniment:

You don’t have to think about how to get started!

Press play and follow along note by note, until your fingers learn that deep muscle memory which means you can relax and play.

...your hand coordination falls into place and starts to feel easy...

Theeeeeen I would probably have said something like uhhhhh what, an online course????

No thanks!

This was back in 2013 ish and I was a broke student, and online courses didn’t exist in my world...

Since then I graduated with a masters in jazz piano after 17 years practicing crazy scales, sheet reading, complicated chord theory.

I toured throughout Europa and Africa with awesome singers like Nana Rashid, wrote hundreds of songs for myself singing and playing, and taught piano for a decade.

It took me a while to pick up the few simple things that mattered the most to me as a songwriter – to be able to accompany comfortably and freely.

(In many ways the advanced jazz tricks I learnt made it harder to make simple chords sound good, because I always felt like I had to play so many notes, all over the place!)

I spent a lot of time distilling what actually worked for me, what made me enjoy sitting and playing simple and beautiful piano as I sang.

In hindsight, I’m pretty sure I would have been better off buying that course...

Having a consise path where I could press play and play along would have saved me a ton of time figuring it out on my own.

Fast forward to 2024, where after getting trusted to accompany singers on Swedish national television, I realised I was actually playing piano like I always dreamed of...

It's not that my playing was impressive per say, I didn't play crazy fast all over the place (I dare you to click that link.....) but I felt free, and proud of how I was able to make the song and the singers shine through.

I also realised I was helping piano students every week with the same problem I had myself for years!

My accompaniment methods had them play simple and beautiful music, pretty much on the spot.

It was as if they'd been waiting for someone to simply "show them how to do it".

That's how and when I realised I need to make that course .. the one I wished a stranger would've told me about a decade earlier.

And crazily enough, after 6 months of planning, filming and relentless editing, the course is now here!

It's called Art of Accompaniment.

A 102 videos, 8 hour, learn-at-your-own-pace deep dive into the art of piano chord accompaniment, structured with clear and thorough explanations.

19 different concepts, applied to one and the same chord progression, so we can cut out all the stuff we don’t have to learn right now.

To focus on what makes us feel free, confident and proud as piano playing songwriters.

Eager to go out and perform our songs.

Eager to write more songs because it’s FUN to sit by the piano!

The course is a structured road to follow, where we build our accompaniments step by step, very very thoroughly.

I have a feeling this course would help you too...

Regardless if you’re a complete piano beginner (who doesn't yet note where the note C is)..

.. or a more experienced songwriter who like me feel stuck in your accompaniments and want the quickest possible path to getting to PLAY the piano, playfully.

However, I need to give you a fair warning: Don’t get this course if you’re not ready to play 10-15 min a day.

Learning piano is much much easier than most songwriters feel, but you won’t get results from just watching the videos.

Since the course was just released in Dec 2024 there’s an early bird discount of 30%:

$137 $96 (save $41)

Discount ends 31 Jan 2025.

There’s a money-back guarantee, as with all my courses.

TL;DR: 8 hours, 102 consice videos teaching you 19 approaches to accompany a chord progression.

Write me at hello@pianopetter.com if you have questions.


Piano Petter

PS. No sheet reading whatsoever.